
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Youth Christmas Banquet 2012

My brother and I after the banquet last night...Love him!!

So, last night we had our annual Youth Christmas Banquet, and as always, it was AMAZING!!! Sis. J cooked roast beef, rolls, twice baked potatoes, and green beans. (SOOO GOOD!!!) and for dessert we had cheesecake and red velvet cupcake and some kind of candy cane cake (?) I didn't have any but it looked super good!! Sis. Chantelle decorated transformed the gym into an utterly amazing banquet venue...It was breathtaking!! I have tons of pictures so I'll get them on here as soon as I can but I wanted to put this one up here...=D

Also, guess what else???? I got my permit!!! Finally!! So I am 'officially driving' (I actually have been for a while because of the Drivers Ed program that I am taking) but yeah...=D

And guess what else?? I am leaving for Texas tomorrow morning!! I am super excited ( I have never been to Texas, crazy huh??!) and we will be there until the 22nd or the 23rd...We will come home for Christmas and then we will be going back for Heritage!! (I'm finally going to Heritage!!! I am sooo excited exhilarated...=D)

I am now getting ready to leave because I have to serve at the Banquet tonight...FUN!! ( I love serving!!)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Veterans Day!!!!! + a song...*sniff*

In the midnight hour I see her, waving proudly through the night
The Stars and Stripes she bears, are a glorious sight

She represents all the heroes, who couldn't stand to see her fall
They represent this great nation, and remind us all

There is still a land of freedom, and a home for the brave
A nation under God, where justice reigns

There's a country united, however different we may be
W can walk a little taller when we see old glory

There is strength within her colors, and courage all can see
That brings hope and peace to some, and others to their knees

There is power in her presence, and a calm within her wave
And if you listen closely, you can hear her say

There is still a land of freedom and a home for the brave,
A nation under God, where justice reigns

There's a country united, however different we may be
We can walk a little taller when we see old glory

She's been tattered she's been turned,
Been abused and even burned
But she hasn't lost a thread of dignity

Because her strength can't be found, in her colors or her bounds
Her strength is found in you and me

So let us all remember, the sacrifices made
The battles we've won, and the prayers we've prayed

Lets make sure that our heroes, didn't sacrifice in vain
Let us join together and proudly proclaim

There is still a land of freedom, and a home for the brave
A nation under God, where justice reigns

There's a country united, however different we may be
We can walk a little taller when we see old glory

So lets walk a little taller, when we see old glory
Oh yeah, old glory, yeah!

Thank you so much to every single one of our veterans! And an extra special thanks to my grandpa, Howard Bundy, my uncles, Rick and Mike Bundy, and my cousin Sgt. Jeremiah Bastien... May your sacrifices truly not be in vain. I love you guys!!( and I want your dog tags since I can't join the US Air force  Navy myself...*sighs*...) ;)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thankful but still in need...Pt. 2

In my last post I shared my recent life events...However, I am sure that some of you realized the 'still in need' part of my post title. Anyways, here it is folks...

My grandpa, suffering the recent loss of his spouse (that he had for 67 years), is not only struggling with grief and hurt from this loss. He is also engaged in a battle.-for his life. You see, Grandpa was recently diagnosed with cancer. The doctors told him that there is no hope, it is all throughout his body and that even though they can do radiation and/or chemo, he doesn't have a lot of life left. Obviously, we (my family) are grieving and at loss as to what to do. He told me that he doesn't want to stop living. And I don't want him to stop living. What did I do? I prayed. Not only that...I had a conversation with the devil. You see, a little while back I received a text from Kelsi which reads: "Calling all AIT members: Satan is very angry and scared right now. We are so very close to something out of the world. This afternoon, God is calling for warriors. He is declaring war on the enemy. Who will answer the call?"
Immediately, I felt God calling me to something deeper in the spirit. I replied with, "I am on the front lines." Lately the devil has been trying to tear me down. I started wondering why...I don't have anything he wants. Then I realized why. The devil is scared folks. We are tapping into a move of God that no one can stop and the world cannot control. The devil knows he goin' down and he is trying to do everything that he can to fight back. So anyways, my conversation with the devil went a little like this:
Me: Hey..Satan it is know I'm really tired of what you're trying to do to me and MY youth group, and MY church, and MY pastor, and MY family.
Devil: whaddya mean?
Me: This is what I mean...I coming back and I'm fighting you. I don't care what anyone else does. I don't care. I am so tired of you! SO...GET out of my life!
Devil: whaddya gonna do 'bout it?
Me: Ya'see, I know this name...and the bible says the devils tremble and that includes you...wanna hear it? to bad...its JESUS!!!
Devil: Quit! That is totally a lie...!
Me: *starts singing it* JESUS!!! JESUS!!! JESUS!!!

(Guess what...Mr. Devil doesn't care much for me anymore...=D Because I know a name that is above every name!)

Anyway...The devil has been fighting me.Hard. But I don't care. I mean, since God is for me, who can be against me?! So now I'm also fighting. For my youth group, my family, my friends, my pastor, and grandpa. And I am out to let the world know.

Don't stop! Don't give up! God is gonna do GREAT things. This is the end time and if you aren't should get ready and help us fight. We ARE gonna make it!

*steps off of soapbox* 

Once again, thank you for your prayers! (and for your continued prayers for my grandpa) I shall try to keep you guys updated! ;)

~~Lauren Nicole~~ 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thankful...but still in need

Wow...I could say a lot.-and I probably will...

  Anyways, I, first of all, want to say thank you to every one for their support and prayers, cards and hugs, during the passing of my Grandma Bundy. It was hard.
 It is hard.
 I was shocked-and still kind of am. I have never had anyone REALLY close to me pass away before until now. Three times when it hit me. Hard.
1. When we were at the hospital at 5:00 in the morning sitting around remembering her (she passed around 3:00am). I remember watching her and thinking, this isn't really just a second she will laugh at my aunts' stories about trying to kill chickens. I remember watching her ever so closely for any sign of life. There was none. That is when it hit the very first time. I didn't cry. I just sat there not willing to believe it.
2. I was at P.E. the day that she died. I decided that I wasn't going to be a wimp. Just because my grandma died earlier that morning doesn't mean I should miss school, right? And staying at home wouldn't help anything... So I went to school. Mistake. I was pretty fine until P.E. time. I was exhausted (having about 2 hours of sleep) and my emotions were literally going crazy. And so after being pushed to the limit, I sobbed. I am not the type of person that really wants people to see me cry unless I'm praying (then it doesn't bother me as much). I tried to hold it in while we were doing suicides. I held it in while we were running our laps and doing our stretches. I held it in. Barely. Then we had to do wall chairs. I was doing a wall chair and put my face in my hands and sobbed. I heard voices but I don't know what they were saying. Everything was in a blur. My grandma was gone. Then realizing that I was probably drawing some attention, I tried to get a grip. I couldn't. Kelsi was around a pillar doing wall chairs and she grabbed my arm, letting me know that she understood. I tried to get control once more and it sort-of-not-really worked. I straightened for arm circles and held my arms out. As much as I tried, I couldn't keep the tears from streaming down my cheeks. I rubbed my face with my shoulders and once more, struggled for control. Finally, some of the girls went to get a drink. I stood there, nearly going crazy. My heart was breaking. Not just for me. For my dad. And for my Grandpa. And for my 7 aunts and uncles. Kelsi came and put her arms around me and just held me. She let me just stand there and cry. I felt bad and tried to apologize. She kept saying, 'Everything's gonna be okay. You're gonna make it.' and then she started softly singing a song that Bro. Morrell sang in Bible class. 'Jesus knows all about our troubles. He will guide 'til the day is done. There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus. No, not one...No, not one. Jesus knows all about you're troubles. He's gonna guide you 'til the day is done. There's no friend like my lowly Jesus. No, not one...No, not one.' And I cried. And wondered how I would go on. And then I knew that Jesus knew all about MY troubles. He is guiding ME 'til the day is done. I HAVE NO FRIEND LIKE THE LOWLY JESUS. NO, NOT ONE...NO, NOT ONE. I cried more. Not necessarily because I was hurting. But because I knew that I wasn't alone. And I was so thankful!
3. We were at the Funeral Home on Monday night for the viewing. My family got there early and then my Grandpa got there next with my Aunt Nadine. I gave Grandpa a hug and told him that I loved him. We talked for a second and then my dad started talking to him. I slipped into the bathroom to blow my nose. When I returned I saw the most heartbreaking sight EVER. My grandpa was standing with Grandma. He was holding her hand and stroking her hair. He stayed there for a while, whispered 'I still love you Zelma' and slowly turned to greet the mixture of family and friends that was streaming in. I lost it. Isn't that so romantic?! They were married for 66 years. They were old. She was an Alzheimer patient. She didn't really know anybody (though she usually recognized me). And he still loves her. He was later talking to my mom and referred to her as 'his bride' and 'the catch of Zach'...(Zach, Arkansas)...But utterly sweet is that?! It broke my heart. I had to leave for a little bit because I was crying so hard.

Anyway...Thinking back over the recent tragedy of my life I thought of a chapel service we had a couple years ago. The comment was made ' In everything, give thanks. Not for everything. But IN everything.'
So today I am thankful. Thankful that I had a grandma that loved me. Thankful that I had a grandma to love. Thankful for salvation. Thankful that I will be able to see her again someday where she will remember exactly who I am. Thankful that I have a blessed peace with my Lord so near. And I am thankful that I have a pastor and church family, friends, and extended (or un-legally adopted) family that was/ is here for me during the hard times. Finally, I thank God for being my lowly friend. I thank him for ALWAYS being there for me and for knowing all about my troubles.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


I am following a blog called Presley Family. Recently her son passed away at twelve years old. His birthday was July fourth. Please pray for their family as they are obviously devastated right now. Thank you!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Grrr, and lots of other fun stuff! Are you ready? Well, let's....GO!!!

Sorry people, but that last photo didn't upload and I don't know why...BUT I have finally started working on some 'redesigning' on my blog...I'm trying to make it more user friendly (not that we have users)! But folks, I happen to be a blonde. So don't make fun of least I have an excuse...Just kidding! Don't get all offended! Whew! Okay...Now for a few NEWS UPDATES!!!: 1) ADMIT is over. I have mixed feelings about this people! I LOVE LOVE ADMIT! It is so much fun! the only problem is, is that it is utterly exhausting! We had up to 72 kids this year (ages 5-11) with 4 helpers! AAAAAAHHHH! =D But we had fun. Honest. =D 2) School starts on THURSDAY!!! Where has my summer gone?!-And I'm not talking about the season Summer...We have definitely had our share of that this year AND last year! 3) Imma sophmore! SCARY! =D 4) MY BROTHER IS A SENIOR!!! That is even more scary! I remember his first day of school! (this sounds weird since he IS older than me) He is WAAAAAAAY to old! BUT...I am SOOO proud of my brother! He is like, Coo Dawg! =D 5) I LOVE LOVE Bath and Body Works!! 6) Obama needs to PRAY!!! No I didn't JUST realize that but apparently he isn't getting the point so it doesn't hurt to say it again! 7) Holly (my dog) has officially won the Craziest Dog of the Year award!...just saying! lol 8) Did I mention that school starts on THURSDAY?! 9) Tim Hawkins is HYSTERICALLY FUNNY! 10) Imma takin' driver's ed.!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! =D 11) (I had to leave one blank because this page will not even get posted before their is more BREAKING NEWS!) Just kidding...sort of. I must be on my way. I shall chat late-ah. Leave Comments, TA-TA

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


...yeah...i need some! days aren't to bad, but EVERY SINGLE night I have something to do! This week: VBS prep, VBS, Church, Carwash prep, CARWASH!!, Grocery shopping, Father's day shopping, unpacking(FINALLY!)...NOTICE:This is WEDNESDAY!!! I still have all of this stuff to do! UUGHH!I get up in the morning, take Holly (my dog) for a walk. Then I go jogging. Then I come inside, shower, and clean my room. After that, I clean...and! I just unload the dishwasher, take out the garbage, AND then vacuum and dust if needed.-all the while I am straightening up the house. I eat lunch and then I stand in one spot in the yard and throw a tennis ball over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over!!! (that makes my dog tired and then she obeys MUCH better! She has WWWAAAYYYYY to much puppy energy!!) By that time my parents are home. then we eat supper and leave...Doesn't that sound exhilarating?!?!?! I know...anyways...just wanted to drop in for a second...or two or three. I gotta go sew some stuff for VBS no...YIPEE! lol...TOODLES! **~Lauren Nicole~**

Monday, June 4, 2012


Does anyone love snakes like they seem to love me? I found one on the day of my last post! A 'little black snake' in the closet...over 4.5 feet long! AAAHHHH!! Fun Fun...Will update with pictures soon! Thanks to all of my oh-so-devoted readers!! LOL...TOODLES ~Lauren Nicole

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy birthday to me!! =D

Yay!! I am, after 15 long years of waiting, finally fifteen!!! =D amazing how that happens, ain't it? LOL... Anyways Kristen is at my house and we are having a blast considering that we were up until it was almost five this morning... Anyways...I got a camera from my grandma for my birthday so I can finally post pics on here!!!! Everybody together now...yay!! Yeah thats right!! =D well, Ima go practice my flute....bye!

Monday, April 23, 2012


In case you haven't figured it out...God is still a miracle worker!!! So that medical conditions that I was talking about was cancer...breast cancer...yah. Guess what?! Ya know the tumor that I found? Well, I got prayed for and POOF! It's gone!! God is soooo good!! I can't describe or explain what I am experiencing right now!! Seriously!! It is amazing!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ohhh! that was FUN!!!-and then not so much!! =/

SOOOO!!! I went to the OKC Zoo...It was AWESOME!! we stayed there all day and then for dinner we went to Toby Keith's Restaurant and bar. It was amazing!! It was the first time that I had ever been there and I absolutely loved it!! I got cheese fries, and I got a HUGE platter piled high with yummy fries covered in cheese, bacon bits, small slices of green onions, and a little side bowl of Ranch Salad Dressing. Lemme tell you! It was good! **ahem**
-and now for the not-so-good-terrible-horrible-not-fun-very-bad news...

I can't tell any details yet but I have a medical issue that I am getting could be nothing at all (probably and definitely hopefully!!) or it could be deathly (and no this is not a joke. I wish it were though!!) I went to the doctor earlier today and he referred me to an OB doctor person thing-a-ma-jig...(WARNING!!! It is not as it sounds!)...Anyways I went to the doctor and did the whole check up thing that you have to go through since I have 2-4 year intervals between appointments because I am a super healthy person! Yah...well, that whole check-up routine includes updating all of my shots! OUCH!!!!!!! They hurt super-dee-duper-dee bad!! I got 3 shots. 1)Chickenpox Vaccine 2)Meningococcal Vaccine (Meningitis) & 3)Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV)

Whew-ee-Shew-ee Baby! They hurted bad!! But ya know, at least it wasn't a tetanus shot. Those can put ya in bed for a week! (not really but they hurt for a few days!). So, yah! I had a crazy last three days!

The catering went really well! It was a ton of fun even though I was on my feet the whole time and got super pooped! LOL Thank you so much Sis. Susan for asking me to help! I had a blast!

I gotta go now...I have to see if my dad can leave his office so that I can go start getting ready for church after I eat supper. AAAAAHHHHH! And I am SSSSOOOO Tired!! =D LOL...Well, TOODLES!
~Lauren Bundy

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring Youth Rally 2012!!!!! - and spring break!!!!!

Yay and wowzers!! What an awesome service that we had at our youth rally!! Thank you so much bro. Riggen!!! And what a great time of fellowship afterwards...till 2 might I add? Lol anywhoo, tomorrow I am going to OKC with Abby and Richard and hope and dewayne!! Let's just say that I hope Abby and Richard are both in a good mood!! There is nothing like traveling with a grumpy 5 and 2 year old!!! Lol...I am sure that they will be, because their bestest cousin Lauren ALWAYS knows just what they need to cheer up!! (like a piece of candy! Or two or three or four...;)) yah...anyways then I am off to assist sis. Susan in catering two o...200-250 people downtown...did I mention that they are complete strangers?? Uh oh!! Lol well imma go get some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs... Lol see yah tomorrow...and Caleb? I don't sunburn easily!!!!!:P

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Randomness and Holly

So I feel like being totally random right now! I have been sick with the bug that is going around...buh! Anyways, last night I was dizzy and my head was throbbing but I didn't have a temp so I went to youth...not smart because while at youth I got a temp...yay. Lol...I came home and took some medicine and went to bed and then slept all day today besides getting up to take some more medicine. So now that I feel way so much better...I am being totally random!! You will just have to forgive me...*subject change*

So several people know that our miracle dog has died...the one that my brother prayed for and described that he wanted for his birthday and the when he got home from church the next day, it was in the back of the truck...yah...he (Mixer) was incredibly old and sick. So died and we got a blue heeler puppy...she (Holly) is adorable!!! She is extremely playful and smart!! I have benn working with her to teach her to fetch, sit, stay, shake, come, etc. And within one or two days she will know what you are wanting and what to do...does she she always do it? No...but we are working on We got her a soccer ball and she loves it!!! She is so funny!! I should post pictures on here shouldn't I? Hmmm... We will have to see what my Popeye says...well I have to go now... Toodles!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I saw this quote at school and I loved it!! It is very sobering, saddening, and somewhat humbling, yet it is so incredibly true!!! It goes like this...

" I'm an endangered species called a TEENAGE VIRGIN."

Wow!! It hit me and it rolled over and over in my mind all day...I mean, I am a virgin in more ways than that in the physical sense...I haven't been introduced (as in personal or nearly personal contact) drugs, I have a mom and a dad. Just one of each. I am pentecostal throughout. I got the Holy-Ghost at age 7. My parents raised me in the truth. My parents aren't drug heads. My parents love me and care for my well being. I don't know what it is like to cuss, smoke, snort, chew, or drink. I don't know how to make meth. I go to a christian school where EVERYONE endeavors to do what is right and encourages one another to please God and be used mightily by him...My best friends aren't committing suicide or getting pregnant.

I AM BLESSED!! I thank God SO MUCH for all of these things and so many more!!! Are you blessed? Share it with the world what God has done for you! Don't be stingy with God... =D

The End...=D


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Birthdays and Revival...Such fun!

So...first I have to get the birthdays out of the way...*ahem*...


And now for the revival part....Wow! God is moving in a mighty mighty way in our church! This past youth event was a youth service and it was seriously awesome!! From the very beginning there was a complete liberty in the holy ghost. I had to praise sing and I started talking in tongues and then I couldn't sing anymore. Kelsi came and sang for me while I went and shouted around for a little bit... The I prayed with Rachel and when I stopped, I started praying by myself and I got a vision. Right then something happened and everyone started shouting and I did to...yah...sorry Gigi for bruising but was good!! Then this past Wednesday Thursday and Friday, we were in revival and it was absolutely amazing! Seriously...I don't know if I have seen such a 'spontaneous combustion' of God's spirit! I was in awe while we received yet another promise from God. The lord spoke to us throught tongues and interpretation and said that our prayers had been heard by God and that because we have truly desired 'the old paths' we are going to experience old time Pentecost. He also said that we have seen only the beginning of what God wants to do. I felt like I was literally before the throne of God and I couldn't really do anything but worship him and stand in awe...I shouted but after that I stood there weeping and saying 'thank you God!' over and over. I have never felt ANYTHING like that before! And............this week we are in revival with the Thrashers yet again!!! I am so excited to see what God is going to do in our midst!!! If you weren't planning on really need to be there...service starts at 7:30 and prayer starts at 7:00. Please pray about these services! I really believe that God is going to move and save many, many souls!!

Toodles for now! =D

~Lauren Bundy