
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Senior Pictures!!

absolutely love my senior pictures! I was so nervous about them like I mentioned in my previous post, but I like them more every time I see them. Matt did an absolutely wonderful job! His easygoing nature really helped me relax a bit to take pictures. Anyway, here are a few!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Happenings of the Past, Present, and Future

Is that title creepy? Well, don't take it in a creepy sort of way, okay? Really. Thanks.

On with it...Life has been so busy lately! Seriously. We are in revival with Evangelist Howard (Pastor Howard's nephew) so Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday is booked (we always have youth on Friday but we've been having some actual church services on Friday as well). This leaves us with Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. Well, cross Thursday off of the list because I am either doing homework, or going to choir practice.-usually doing homework. Now we have Monday and Saturday. Monday is my night to do my housework, get caught up on laundry, reorganize my room, etc. I generally spend all evening doing that. Then on Saturdays, we do all of our grocery shopping, yard work, etc. Now don't get me wrong, I am not complaining! I absolutely love being in revival and experiencing all of these wonderful moves of God! I'm just expressing that we really are busy! :)

Anyway, this year I am a senior in High School. I feel really old. I even had to use my walker the other day! Okay, okay, not really, but I honestly don't feel like I am supposed to be a senior yet! In the  moments, it seems as if time drags by, but once you look back, you see just how quickly time moves. I am definitely learning to cherish every moment and make the most of this last year. I am excited about graduating and finally accomplishing this long awaited goal, yet I am extremely nervous and anxious for what is to come. I have obviously lived a very sheltered life (for which I am thankful) but the 'real world' looks a little intimidating from this angle!
On a lighter note, I had some senior pictures taken on Monday by Matt Rodgers. He let me look at them while they were still unedited and on his camera. Wow. I love them. I can't wait to see them when they are all edited and printed. I was very nervous about how they would turn out, but I really love his work, and I love what I have seen so far! I'll have to upload some when they all get done. :)

On a totally different topic, I started reading a lot of Shakespeare this year. He was such an awesome writer!! Don't judge, I am not one of those people that constantly speak in iambic pentameters and poetic diction. Once you get past the 'thee's and 'thou's, the writing is very good! I have really rediscovered my love for the English language this year at school. So, one of our assignments, was to write a poem in response to "The Ruin". I loved this assignment! I had so much fun writing it! I really   enjoy helping people in English and learning more about it!
Anyway, here is the poem:

The Lord's Manor:
The crumbling columns, the chiseled stones,
The windows broken down, the iron gate, the fireplace
No longer for our good. The fence is falling,
Revealing us to those who would harm.
The walls are broken, the floor gives way,
As rot and trees take over.
Gone is the splendor of this palace, and 
The gracefulness of its lord.
The stench of decay lays hold on the halls,
The scent of rodents claim rooms.
If one were to think of life, they may could tell,
Of the beauty once noted here.
The old pillars full of grace,
The gate a thing of beauty.
The walls hold memories we’ll never know,
The bricks have stood for centuries.
Both lords and kings have supped here,
And maidens fair and bonny.
Their victories and triumphs,
Celebrated here,
So gaily arrayed.
Yet now we see their memories past,
So full of faded glory.
We now see their heartbeat die
As nature takes its toll.
We watch as vines grow up,
Lichen and moss corrupt,
And moths do take control.
The gardens are emptied,
Of their strolling dinner guests,
Given to worms and funguses.
Where have the roses gone?
The blooms so bright and sweet,
A reminder of the past triumphs,
Are now withered in defeat.
We see it now,
The stories told,
The truth within the walls.
The rust and grime cannot decay
 The memories held in us.

Anyway...It is a bit different than how I normally write, but I really enjoyed it!

Hopefully I will be getting on here and posting more often! Like I said, its been super busy! And pray, saints pray, that this new laptop will allow me to upload pictures! :)
I'll type at you next time! Ciao!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Snow Days, Birthdays, and TCC Life

 It snowed here yesterday. I know it doesn't sound like I am saying it with much excitement. That is because I am not. I like snow around Christmas time and then I am done. I do not like being cold. At all. So I wish Spring would come quickly and then I will be happy. Very happy. Now I am done complaining about the weather. :)

Yesterday was my brother, Trenton's, 19th birthday! WOOT WOOT! (He is getting so old!) So yesterday was a bitter sweet day for me because of this. He will only be in the youth group for one more year. He will be moving on soon. Finding some godly young lady that takes his breath away, and moving out. Then there will be a wedding and by the time he is 25 he will have 3 children, four dogs, 2 goldfish, and a parakeet. Okay, okay not really but it is hard to see my big brother grow up and start becoming more and more independent. (I sound like an old lady! haha) Anyway, Happy Birthday to my favorite big brother in the whole world! :) ( maybe he is my only big brother but that is beside the point) I hope your birthday was swell! :)

Today is my mom's birthday! Another round of WOOT WOOT!s to go please. She is the ripe old age of *insert threatening mom voices and scared daughter voices here*.  She has to work today (no snow day for her) which is a bummer but I think her patients will help her to have a good birthday while she is working. (She seriously has the sweetest patients ever! They always bring her goodies and are so nice!) For her birthday we got her a Keurig...those things are amazing! I think I use it just as much as she does! Anyway, Hopping Bird Eggs to my madre! :) I love you!

Another of today's happenings:
I have no school (because of the snow) and so I am spending the morning at TCC with the Brobro. He offered to bring me so I can get to know the campus a little bit (since I will be coming next year) and so that I won't be cooped up at home all day long. Isn't he the nicest big brother ever?! Yeah I though so too! :) So this is me, sitting in the 'Fireplace Lounge' at TCC, blogging. While the guy sitting a little ways away jams out to music blaring out of his blue headphones and types away while slurping Dr. Pepper and munching pretzels. Earlier he was complaining about not having anything to eat for breakfast so he HAD to go get this wonderful snack (brain food lemme tell ya!) And then there is a random dude strolling up and down the hallway and every time he goes past he tries to stare me down. And every time I just smile at him like he is a long lost friend...I think it is confusing him (he honestly doesn't seem like the brightest light on the planet) because he starts squinting and then he kind of shrugs and plods on... I know. I am such a terrible person. It's fun though. :)
OH! And now there is a new guy here...he is drinking a Snapple and apparently he didn't get breakfast either because he is chomping on his finger nails. *gag* Okay.
No more narrating for me. This guy is cracking me up and I can't randomly start laughing and make everyone look at me.
This is me tugging on a straight face.
Anyway, I hope everyone's day is supermashtastic and your year is filled with happy healthy smiles! Peace out.

Monday, January 20, 2014


     It was a huge shock for both him and the family. He thought he injured his back and decided to visit the chiropractor. Eventually he wasn't in anymore pain and life moved on. Suddenly the pain came back with a vengeance, so much so that he thought he popped a rib out of place. He went to the Emergency Room, who sent him to a chiropractor. It consistently grew worse and worse and he was miserable. They finally sent him to a specialist after they realized that something more was going on. Shortly, they found out the truth. Travis had a cancer tumor growing on the outside of his lung. Struggling with the reality of this discovery, he, along with his family, also learned that he had cancer in his bones. 
         This was he beginning of a journey for my cousin Travis Chandler who was recently diagnosed with stage 4 lung and bone cancer. He got the bad news right before his 37th birthday and has been, along with his family and friends, waging a war with this disease. He had a very bad cure percentage, which was about 10% with radiation followed by a surgery and chemo, not to mention the meds he would have to be on for the rest of his life for his heart, liver, and kidneys. He decided not to do any treatment. If he was to live, God would have to do a miracle either way.
        Family, friends, acquaintances, and loved ones from all over the U.S. began to pray for Travis as soon as they found out. Churches were open every night for prayer for anyone that wanted to come pray for Travis. Even if they didn't believe the same things. If you loved Travis and wanted to pray, the doors were open. Churches began collectively fasting and praying for a miracle. Individuals also joined in. A benefit dinner was held with an incredible turnout. People that loved Travis began popping out of the woodwork and the love and support that was shown was unbelievable.
    On Sunday, January 12th,  Travis was strong enough to go to church. A couple came to that service. They were friends with Travis and had come previously to pray for his healing. During that
service Travis helped pray them through to the Holy Ghost. That night, Travis was again, to weak to attend church.

  On Sunday, January 19th of 2014, Travis went home to Jesus. While we mourn because we miss him who we so dearly loved, we rejoice because he is truly happy and pain free. Many weep with the sorrow that they feel at seeing the wonderful man finally see his creator face to face. I am one of those people. So is his wife Brandy, and his two daughters, Whitney and Haley. And his parents, brothers, and in-laws. Along with many friends and family members, too many to name.

  Rest in Peace Travis. I love you. And while I grieve your loss, I rejoice at the legacy you have left behind. I miss you already. I miss your laugh. The way you smile. The way you lit up the room right when you walked in. The way that you could make me laugh even when I didn't feel like it. The corny jokes you told. Your STOMP imitations. Your prayers. Your hugs. I miss you a lot. Give your little boy a hug from me. I love you.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Raindrops, Soap, and Watermelons...

Yeah...the title is random. I like it that way. :D
(I know, I know! Two posts in two days?? Take a deep breath and please don't faint away! Lol)
I actually can relate the title to some recent happenings! We (the LCA middle and high school girls) played Fruit Basket Turnover with a twist. OH MY WORD! It was torture! The theme was 'Random' and everyone was named either a raindrop, soap, or watermelon...(hence the title). We spread our chairs out all over half of the gym to play so that we would get more exercise. It worked! And apparently that wasn't enough so we added twists.
Random Twists meant that everyone had to jump up and race to the farthest wall of the gym and keep their hand on it while Sis. Rocha counted to three. Then we raced back and found a different seat.
Raindrop Twists meant that all the raindrops had to skip to the farthest wall and back and then find a chair.
Watermelon Twists meant that all the watermelons had to run a lap around the gym and then find a seat.
And Soap Twists meant that all the soaps got up and did five measly little jumping jacks and then found a seat. Yeah. Go soaps! Lol ( I was a raindrop)
Randomly in the middle of the game, Sis. Rocha and I came up with a new twist but we couldn't find an appropriate name. Therefore it was called the Everbody-Watermelon-Twist-with-Raindrops-running-backwards Twist. Yeah. *cue crowd control* This twist was hilarious! Mass chaos immediately followed every time! So yeah! That was our spin on Fruit Basket Turnover so that we would have fun AND get good exercise. Trust me and all the other LCA girls. It worked! We were all sore the next day! (Dontchu be making smart comments about how out of shape we are! We were aggressive! lol)
Anyways, P.E. has been really good lately!

NOW! Onto the point of this post! :) the long awaited poem! *ba dum tss*
For those of you who don't know,  wrote this about Pastor Howard for a Bible Assignment...anywhoo, here it comes! :)

The Hands of this Man

Wrinkled, calloused,
Scarred and worn.
Tender yet rough,
Caring and warm.
Always working,
Reaching, moving,
Never stopping to rest.
Searching and helping,
Always giving his best.
Never ending struggle,
To protect and defend,
I know God is working,
Through the hands if this man.
Teaching and encouraging,
Sharing the truth,
Reaching lost souls,
God's love to prove.
Never giving up,
Never backing down,
And though he will receive one,
It isn't for a crown.
Trusting in God,
And letting him lead,
Knowing that in Christ,
Is all he'll ever need.
Sometimes his path is rough,
And hard to continue on,
His strength comes not by man,
But by his God alone.
My respect he has earned,
And doesn't demand.
I have fallen in love,
With the hands of this man.

Anyways, that's it... :) I know it isn't an amazing poem but it is what I felt while I was writing... I am so thankful for my pastor and all of his many prayers for me! He is such an amazing man of God and I am very blessed to have the privilege of calling Pastor Gary Howard MY God-given Pastor. He has played many important roles in my life and the impact he has made will strengthen me. I am proud to say that this man has his fingerprints on my life and on the lives of my future children. He has played a huge part in making me to be who I am today and love him so much! (After all, I am his adopted granddaughter AND his  PB&J) :D

Hope you enjoyed!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Poetic Encouragment

I found this old poem the other night...I wrote it in 2012 and totally forgot about it! When I was flipping through one of my many notebooks the other night (actually looking for a specific poem for a friend of mine) I came across it and thought I would is untitled as of yet so feel free to offer suggestions! Lol

*place nonexistent title here*

I know it hurts you,
This process of mine,
You're feeling crushed,
Weighted by time.
In a hurry to move,
To go and to do,
But be still and know,
That I am with you.
Chipping, sanding, grinding away,
I am the potter,
You are the clay.
Be patient my child,
Do not be afraid,
For by me,
All things were made.
I'll carry you,
And hold your tears,
And if you'll let me,
Dispose of your fears.
When this process is through,
You will be fine,
And my diamond-in-the-rough,
Forever you'll shine.

Anywhoo, there it is. Be encouraged! :)

Also, I know many of you are already aware but my cousin Travis Chandler was just diagnosed with lung cancer and needs a miracle!! Please keep him in your prayers! Thank you!