
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Its A New Day

I'm feeling incredibly uninspired to write today, so I am just going to give you the second hint concerning the 1st announcement coming up...(I said first because I can tell you about another awesome announcement! Yay!)
Anyway, today's hint is:
It has something to do with The Lighthouse Church.
*ba dum tsss*

I'm getting more and more excited about it, but I am even more excited about the news that I am now cleared to share...aaaand I'll probably share it tomorrow because, to be honest, I don't feel like writing the whole story right now and we have already decided that suspense is good. So, that being said, stay tuned for another update soon! :)

Lauren Bundy

Melissa hasn't forgotten about us, I promise. They've had a bit of an emergency and she has been busy working with that. She is still writing a post for us, it is just going to take her a little bit longer than originally planned. Stay tuned, because you may miss the post if you don't! :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Stating the Obvious

Doesn't it both annoy you and entertain you (to an extent) when someone states the obvious? You drive past a tree and someone says something like "Oh look! Its a tree!". You just want to commend them for recognizing general foliage, right?
How about when you're doing something and someone asks what you are doing?-when it is incredibly obvious. For instance, you are bent over your sink in the bathroom brushing your teeth and a sibling strolls past questioning what you are doing. Uhhmmm, what does it look like I am doing? I'm making spaghetti, duh.
I think that annoys most of us after a while.
I'm about to get a little annoying here in a minute, because I am about to state the obvious (and some not-so-obvious things).

I think it is pretty obvious, especially those of you that I am often in contact with, that things have been pretty awesome around here of late (but then again, when aren't they?). ADMIT prep is in full swing, we are on fire for God from Summer Heritage, and the Lord has really been moving and working in our church and community. I can't help but state the obvious here, but God is so good to us! I am so thankful for what He is doing in our midst and I can't wait to see what all He is going to do at ADMIT this year. I know it is going to be incredible and more than worth all of the effort that has been put into it.
So, while we've had quite a bit of excitement around here these past few weeks, we are about to get even exciteder  more excited. School is about to start (which is crazy), ADMIT will soon be upon us and gone before we can even take a nap, and Lauren has even more exciting things coming up in the very near future. You may not get nearly as excited about it as I am, but oh well. I'm excited and you don't have to be involved if you don't want to. :) I will be posting about what is coming up here in a few days but I will give you a hint...
I'm trying to decide if I want to give you one hint every day or all at once...
Ahh, suspense is good. I'll give you one a day until I can announce it. *insert evil laughter similar to Jay's laugh on Unbecoming Jay*
Today's hit is:
*ba dum tsss*
It has to do with writing.

Now that you are smothered in suspense and an overwhelming desire to know what is taking place, I will be leaving you to your wondering. *insert same evil laugh used above*

I hope everyone has a wonderful day and doesn't die of curiosity before tomorrow.
Au revoir! :)
Lauren Bundy

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Gas Station Revival; an awesome & humbling experience

Yesterday I had the coolest experience. It was a first for me and hopefully not a last. I'm thankful that God is working and opening doors in our community for us to walk through.

On with the story...

As many of you know, I had a wreck on June 20th. A lady backed into me and though the damage to the truck was very minor, I suffered from whip lash, subluxation of the spine, and some other things that I don't know the names of...(like my neck curves the wrong way now?...its weird). As a result of this accident, I get to see my wonderful chiropractor 3 times a week. Its great. Actually I would rather not need to go, but you know.

So yesterday I left work and headed out for the chiropractor. I got on the highway and realized that gas tank was nearly empty (I'm not comfortable driving around Tulsa like that in case something happens. I try to keep at least a quarter of a tank or so). I'm going to be honest with you all; I was complaining to myself about it. I was already running 5 minutes later than I really wanted to be and I was kinda frustrated with the whole situation. I mumbled something like 'Ugh, really? I have to get gas and get to the chiropractor on time. But since I have to get gas, I may not be able to go clean for a few minutes at the church before I go over to dinner (at a friend's house for a birthday party). This is so annoying.' You know, the usual complaining that shouldn't be happening at all. Yeah, that.

Well obviously, I don't have much of a choice but to get gas, so I decide which QT to go to and make a beeline for it. I got there and started pumping gas into my truck. I was standing there waiting for it when a lady walked around the pump. She said "Hi" so I greeted her and asked if she was well. She came over to talk to me.

 She said, "Honey, I need to talk to you. I don't mean you no harm, but my daughter, she is in Muskogee. She was in a horrible accident.-a truck hit her and they said she broke her leg but they have to take her baby. I don't have a dollar to my name and I'm just trying to get there before they take her baby."
I told her that I was sorry, I didn't have any cash and the like.
She said, "Oh honey, I don't want any money. I was just wondering if you could buy me a little bit of gas to help me get there. I don't have a dollar to my name so I'm out her begging people for help."
I told her that I could buy her a little bit but I couldn't fill her tank all the way up. But I would only buy her gas on one condition; She had to promise to come to church. I told her about the church, where it was located, and I promised that we would pray for her and her daughter because I know a healer, then I gave her a church card.

As I was getting my card out, I had a trillion thoughts running through my head. I remember asking the Lord if I was being foolish and putting myself in danger or if He had lead me to this person. The only thought that I could make sense of at the moment kept coming to my mind.

Hebrews 13:2-Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

I bought her gas and she was getting ready to leave but she stopped and asked me to pray with her. Right there in the parking lot of QuikTrip at 51st and Union (which isn't the most elite part of town in case you aren't familiar with the area). I was blown away. So I grabbed her hands and prayed for her and her daughter. When I got done I told her that the only thing she could do, the only way that I wanted her to 'pay me back' was to be at church. I told her to come and look me up, tell me about her daughter, and have church. She promised that she would and gave me a hug. Then she got in her truck and they drove away.

I prayed for her the rest of the evening and woke up this morning with her on my mind. I am so excited about that entire experience and now I'm really apologizing for complaining about having to stop and get gas. The Lord knows exactly what we need and has things in mind for us-even little things like having to stop and get gas- to put us in a position to help others or even be helped.

I didn't tell this story to boast or act like I am anything special. I just am amazed by the entire experience and want to encourage anyone who reads this to take advantage of every opportunity that you have to be a blessing.-you never know how God is going to work.

If you don't already reach out into your community, if you aren't involved with outreach or bus ministry or something of the it! Even if you can't go with the rest of the outreach team. Hand out fliers during your lunch break. Skip a day of shopping at the mall and go teach Bible studies to homeless people (though I would advise you take someone with you.-especially if you are a lady.). Make cookies and walk around downtown giving them away with a church card attached. Go to the local zoo and ask them to pass out fliers at the check in booth or if you can hand them out to those that are interested (our zoo has done this before!). Find something to do for the work of God. Couple it with fasting and prayer. You'll be amazed at how God starts working in your community.-even if it takes time and seems to be fruitless at isn't. You've just planted the seed and it'll come up in due season.
John 4:35
Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.
Leave a comment if you have any ideas, questions, or just want to comment. I love hearing from each one of you and it lets me know if you're enjoying what you see!
Happy Soul-Winning! :)
Lauren Bundy

Monday, July 27, 2015

Miracles Do Happen

Yes they do.

That has nothing to do with this post.

This is just a reminder to stay tuned because our special guest post is coming up soon!-you know, the one where THE Melissa Garcia authors a post for my blog. I gave her free reign to write whatever she wants (because I trust her like that) and I hope she blows us away with her amazing writing skillz. You know its legitimate when the word ends with a z. #legitskillz
And that whole 'free reign' comment makes me feel like a preacher. Take your liberty, Melissa, take your liberty.

This is so random. I'm obviously in a crazy mood.

Anyway, stay tuned to hear from Melissa. I'm so excited about it and I'm sure you won't want to miss it! :)

Peace be with you and your french fries.
Lauren Bundy

Ain't God Good?

Isn't God good?

On Friday night we had youth service. This time, it was upstairs in the youth auditorium at the church, rather than in the chapel at the school (which is where we usually have service). The chapel was under construction, the gym floors were being stripped, scrubbed, resurfaced, and buffed, and a lot of cleaning was taking place. The youth auditorium was also under construction. We had to figure out where to have some church. (We don't like having youth service in the main auditorium if it is just youth because it is too spread out.) We decided to have church in the youth auditorium, in the midst of the chaos. We shoved the mess to the back of the now 1 room auditorium, vacuumed,set up chairs, a piano, a pitiful set of drums (I mean pitiful. I don't know where we found them, but we must've been really searching to find some with such...unique characteristics...). Along side our meager two piece band, we had two speakers, 3 mics (total), and a pulpit. To make the situation even better, for some reason, the air conditioner was not working.-Not a good thing here in Oklahoma right now! Especially when its upstairs with no air flow other than a small fan.
I got there a few minutes early to make sure everything had been cleaned up and was ready to go for service and when I saw the arrangements, I said "Well, the Lord is gonna have to do a work for us in here tonight!"
We ended up having to add four rows of chairs. We had at least 10 visitors and it was wonderful!
We got down to pray for pre-service prayer. BOOM. God moved. Without any prompting, without any music, one-by-one, we all stood to our feet and began to give God the worship that He is so worthy of. Then service began. God moved all throughout the worship service. There was such a spirit of worship that filled that messy, suffocatingly hot room. Bro. Rodgers got up to preach. He preached about getting under a burden. Somethings that he said really stood out to me.
1) In the story of the prodigal son, where was the older brother? Why did he run after his brother, pleading for him to not make the terrible mistake of leaving? What happened?
2) It is more than just having a burden for the lost. We need a burden for one another. We need to care enough about each other that we carry a burden and intercede for our brothers and sisters.

When altar service began, the Lord completed the work that he began at the beginning of the service. A backslider prayed through, another visitor was seeking God in the altars, and young people were getting burdens. It was amazing.
(It was also very hot.)
After service ended, we put everything away so the carpets could be shampooed, and we went on a Freddy's. YUM!-And definitely an improvement from Whataburger! Praise-allujah. ;)

Then on Sunday, God moved again. It wasn't a fast paced, super upbeat service. It was one of those times when everything is slow and sweet and worship just flows from the depth of your heart directly to the throne of God. The choir sang, the preacher preached, and another backslider prayed through. Several more visitors were in the altars seeking God, and a couple  of them came very close to receiving the Holy Ghost.
I am so delighted to see how God is moving and working among His people! It is such a privilege and an excitement to be involved! I can't wait to see what else He is going to do!-Especially with ADMIT coming up.
Speaking of ADMIT...
Yesterday after church, some of the young people were going to go ride bike after church. Its becoming a tradition and I must say that I thoroughly enjoy it.
Anyway, we went out to eat at El Tequila. I got pollo flautas with rice, guacamole, and pico and some horchata. Yum. (It was quite the funny experience, using what little espanol I know with the waiter. Even though it was mostly 'gracias' and 'de nada' that was being passed between us. haha)
And, funny story:
I was doing my hair for church and I did my customary 'ask Trent what he thinks about it' move. So the conversation goes something like
"Hey Trent...does my hair look okay like this?"
"Yeah, it looks okay."
"Are you sure? I just generally don't do these curls like this..."
"Yeah, it looks okay."
Then THIS happened.
While we were waiting on our food, Brittany turned to me and asked if I knew that Trent didn't like my hair. I said no and told her our conversation from that morning.
Apparently Trent doesn't like it when we do our hair with curls 'everywhere' (I pulled a few curls from the front of my head back to my mass of curls in the back. Think Sis. Jones without that many curls going back.) and proceeded to tell Brittany, who also had her hair in similar fashion. Anyway, for the rest of the night Trent got to hear us say that things were 'okay' and then we would turn to the person next to us and state how much we disliked it. He is never going to live that down. haha
I digress.
While we were out, we were made aware of a need. The grout at the church and school needed to be scrubbed for ADMIT. We decided to go and help out, and then if we got done in time, we would still go ride bikes. (I have scrubbed the grout many a time and let me tell you, it is a j-o-b! Like a multiple person, multiple day kind of j-o-b. So from about 6:30 to 9:00 we scrubbed tile and grout. It is a seriously disgusting job.-the grout looks is actually extremely dirty white grout. True story.
I only have one picture on my phone from it and unfortunately, I can't show it to you. Kristen disapproved.
Anyway, we managed to get most of the ladies bathroom done. And it'll have to be gone over again. But we are making progress so I guess that is good news.
After we left, we went to Sonic to get ice cream. Or what started out as ice cream but ended in chili cheese coneys, hot dogs, cheeseburgers, and tater tots. What can I say? We are apostolic...
I must say that I am so glad that I am surrounded with young people that are interested in the work of God and will work for Him, even when it isn't convenient or 'fun'.-though we generally end up having a blast, Seriously. If you don't enjoy working for the Lord, come visit the TLC young people for a while. We always have fun. :)
On another, somewhat (very) similar note, I am so excited for ADMIT!! God always does wonderful things for His people and it is such a blessing to be a part of. I can honestly say that I get so much out of it every year, even though I don't get to attend all of the sessions.

This was post was full of ramblings and my sincerest apologies to you if you actually read all of this. Maybe I'll actually get some interesting content out soon. Maybe. ;)

Peace be with you and your mashed potatoes...or whatever.
Lauren Bundy

Friday, July 24, 2015

Changing the 'Norm'

Our world is changing, no doubt about it. Unfortunately, we can't honestly claim that it is getting better. Every day, new battles are arising and the new generations of Pentecost have more challenges being presented to them. I am in a battle with the norm.-with the norm of the world and even with the norm of the church.

The world says that gay is normal. The world says that violence is normal. The world says that many things that go completely against the word of God are normal. It has turned an ear of ignorance to so many important and dangerous issues, deeming them 'normal' when they are actually incredibly far from any such thing.

The church says that backsliding is normal. (It happens, you know? Natural processes.) The church says that sin is normal. (Everyone does it, right?) The church declares many things to be normal that should never be in the first place.
I say that revival should be normal. Sinners and backsliders running to altars of repentance during preaching should be normal. Saints fighting in the Spirit and being used in the Kingdom should be normal. Churches sending out missionaries, evangelists, pastors, and teachers should be normal. The Body of Christ rallying together in warfare and in prayer should be normal. The use of the Gifts of the Spirit should be normal.
Why isn't it?

Rather than it being a competition, rather than focusing on what society is currently accepting, rather than trying to ensure that we are 'politically correct', why don't we make a new normal? Why can't we raise the bar? Why can't we have a more powerful experience than they did in the book of Acts?

What is holding us back?

Everyone wants to be normal. Everyone wants to fit in and go unnoticed by the mockers and naysayers.

Why are we allowing a few people to decide what is normal for the world? I want to decide the normal.

I want the normal to be moves of God sweeping through so powerfully that our mere mortal bodies can barely stand in the presence of Jehovah. I want normal to be people getting the Holy Ghost at a turnpike toll booth because a van of young people are having a prayer meeting that is so explosive, no man can deny it. I want the new normal to be people being healed on outreach because a few saints had enough faith to pray for someone that was sick and needed a healing.

I want a new normal.

Do you? What can you envision in your new normal?
Let's make it happen.

Romans 8:31

What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

Thursday, July 23, 2015

What I Want

I've been doing a lot of thinking. A lot. (That may scare some of you, but no worries. I'm not planning a prank or anything.)
Since Summer Heritage, my heart has been really stirred. Well, since before Summer Heritage actually, but this past week definitely added to it.
I can't stop thinking about the kingdom of God, being involved in the work of God, and that sort of thing. I've prayed about it, searching my heart and making myself available to the Lord. I find myself in the car praying for the Lord to have His way, or singing songs of worship to my Saviour.
I've had such a desire in my heart to work for the Lord, to be the lowliest of servants in His kingdom, to see His sweet face, to be a part of the work that He has promised for these last days. Its the cry of my heart. Its everything that I could ever dream of and more. It is what I want.

All that I am, all that I have
I lay them down before You, oh Lord
All my regrets, all my acclaims
The joy and the pain, I'm making them Yours

Lord, I offer my life to You
Everything I've been through, use it for Your glory
Lord I offer my days to You
Lifting my praise to You as a pleasing sacrifice
Lord I offer You my life

Things in the past, things yet unseen
Wishes and dreams that are yet to come true
All of my heart, all of my praise
My heart and my hands are lifted to You

Lord, I offer my life to You
Everything I've been through, use it for Your glory
Lord I offer my days to You
Lifting my praise to You as a pleasing sacrifice
Lord I offer You my life

What can we give that You have not given?
And what do we have that is not already Yours?
All we possess are these lives we're living
That's what we give to You, Lord

Lord, I offer my life to You
Everything I've been through, use it for Your glory
Lord I offer my days to You
Lifting my praise to You as a pleasing sacrifice
Lord I offer You my life

Lord, I offer my life to You
Everything I've been through, use it for Your glory
Lord I offer my days to You
Lifting my praise to You as a pleasing sacrifice
Lord I offer You my life
Lord I offer You my life

I want to let Jesus use me. If it means leaving everything that I have ever known, if it means sitting in a prayer room for hours, if it means living under a bridge, whatever I have to do, I want to make myself available to Jesus.
I want to be effective and involved in the Kingdom. I want to do exploits for the Lord. If I have to life a live of poverty, if I have to sell everything that I have to give to missions, if I have to endure persecution and suffering, whatever the Lord asks of me, I want to do mighty things for God.
I want to make it to heaven and see Jesus. If I have to forsake my loved ones, if I have to abandon every career that I have ever sought after, if I have to live in hiding, whatever it takes, I want to be saved.
These things are the earnest pleading of my heart.
These things are what I truly want.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Just Some Thoughts on Waiting

Earlier today, I was thinking back to a conversation that I had with two of our young ladies following youth camp. It was one of those conversations that are wholesome and bring you closer to one another. I love those conversations.
It began with one of the young ladies talking about a recent trial that she has been dealing with and how God is getting her through it. She spoke of how she knew that she was in the will of God and that she trusted that He was going to work it out for her good. The conversation slowly moved and evolved, changing to where all of us could effectively add to the conversation with our own experiences and struggles.
Then we began to talk about the goodness of God, which happens to be one of my favorite topics. I mean, how could I not talk about it when God is so good to me all the time?! We told stories of the things that God has done for us, the prayers that He has answered, and all the times He has been there for us. If you know anything about us or TLC, you know that we have been blessed beyond measure with so many things: ministries, a wonderful heritage, incredible moves of God, being involved in the work of God all over the world; We have so many things to be thankful for! That being said, conversations like this one generally don't end very quickly!
I began to talk about how awesome it is that God cares for each and every one of us. He listens to us, He hears our prayers. He works on our behalf and will go out of His way to reach us. He is such a good God!
Then the other young lady began sharing a story from camp. She talked about the storm we had Friday afternoon at camp and how she didn't want to get wet. She needed to go do her hair for church but didn't really want to get out of the dorm because it was raining so hard (I had an umbrella and was dripping from head to toe. No lie.). She casually prayed and asked God to make it stop raining because she didn't want to get wet. She then went outside and trekked to the bath house so that she could do her hair. By the time that she got there, she was soaked and decided to just take a shower because she was dripping wet. A few minutes later, she was doing her hair and another young lady walked in. As she came in the door, she commented on how weird the weather was and proceeded to tell about how, even though it was an incredibly heavy downpour moments ago, it had stopped raining and the sun was out and shining brightly. The young lady that had wanted to badly to not get wet began to think about this development. She finished getting ready and continued to ponder. She told us, "What would have happened if I had just trusted God and waited on Him? I wouldn't have gotten soaked and had to deal with the mess. It would've been a lot easier on me if I had just let God work before trying to go and do what I wanted to do.".
This stuck with me all these weeks. To some, it may seem trivial, but I believe that there is a lesson to be learned here. Perhaps God desires to do something for you, You've prayed about it and asked Him, but you don't see any differences and you're about to give up on waiting. Through the Bible, we know that good things come to those that wait upon the Lord and His timing. When you do, you won't have to 'deal with the mess' of doing it on your time.
I know, that whatever my walk with God brings me, wherever it leads me, and whatever He has me to do, I want to wait on His perfect timing so that I don't make a mess of things!

Isaiah 40:31

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Threescore and Ten Pt. 1

Summer Heritage was amazing this year. Its always amazing, but this year? I honestly believe that it was vital to the growth and continuation of the church in America as well as in other parts of the world. Why? Because we are now carrying the torch.

Every minister that preached at the conference had to be at least 70 years old (hence the 'Threescore and Ten' theme that was used there). They came burdened, passionate, and anointed and we left that way. In every service, we discovered that we have power, that God is our strength, that He is everything that we need, that he'll take care of us, and also that we must carry the torch. We were challenged to trust him and follow him without hesitation. I know I will.

Here is the line-up/service schedule:
Wednesday Night: 
Eld. Tommy Jackson - "Who's Going to Tell It When We're Gone?"
Thursday Morning: 
Eld. Allen Picklesimer - "Sardis; The Church that Used to Be"
Eld. Morton -"Oh Taste and See"
Thursday Night:
Eld Johnny Godair - "The Rod of God"
Friday Morning:
Eld Moody - "Don't Throw Away Your Future Thinking About Your Past"
Friday Night:
Eld. Morton - "Are You Going to be a Wise Man or a Fool?"

God called and anointed us. He challenged us. He gave us strength and faith. God moved.

While we were gone, we had at least 5 healings in our youth group alone. At church yesterday, we had another one.

We discovered the power that we have through Jesus. No devil scares me. No spirit frightens me. No type of fear can claim me. I have the power of the name that is above every name.

Another thing that happened: God brought someone into my life that I needed right at that moment. I knew this young man for about 24 hours before God used him to talk to my heart and challenge me to be stronger and better. He talked with me and cried with me and gave me so much. I definitely wouldn't have gotten everything that I did if he hadn't shared his burden with me. I am so thankful that God blesses His people with fellowship and relationships that can bring them closer to Him! God is good to us, isn't he?

I'll be posting more soon, along with some pictures. Check back soon!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Just What We've All Been Waiting For!

Who is excited to find out who our guest is? I know I am! (Except for the fact that I already know who it is...but I'm still excited!) I have decided to make the grand announcement today...
Who is it? Melissa Garcia from Melissa's Song (follow her blog if you aren't already.-I've heard she has some great things coming up.)

As many of you know, I met Melissa very briefly at Summer Heritage a couple of years ago. By briefly I mean, she told me that she liked my dress and I said thank you. It was that brief. Literally. The next year, I was standing in the lobby at our hotel and saw her standing in front of me. In typical Lauren fashion, I point blank asked her how I was supposed to know her because I felt like I had seen her before. So she reminded me of our encounter the previous year and we began to talk. For a long time. People began to ask us how long we had known each other and mention that we acted like life long friends. They were shocked when they found out that we had started talking within the last day or two. We swapped numbers and we text and FaceTime and all that jazz pretty much all the time. So when I asked her if she would write a blog post for me, she said yes and I got excited! Be prepared to read a post written by her sometime in the near future. (It'll be after Summer Heritage.)
Thanks for reading and be sure to follow her blog! You can find it through the link above or in my blogroll. Check it out. :)

Lauren Bundy

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My Strength

As some of you know, I've really been lifting weights and things to get my strength up. Just kidding. The only weight that I've been lifting is a loaded fork.

I just got some insight last night and it pretty much amazed me, so I wanted to share it.

We often hear, especially growing up in the church, that "the joy of the Lord is our strength". What does that mean? I, along with many other people I'm sure, believed that it meant that the Lord would give us joy to strengthen us right? Well last night totally changed my mind about this. Check it out;

The joy of the Lord is our strength.
Our strength is the joy of the Lord.
Our strength is the Lord's joy.

We get strength, when we bring the Lord joy.

We read our Bible. It brings the Lord joy, and it gives us strength.
We pray. It brings the Lord joy, and we get strength.
We spread the gospel. It brings the Lord joy, and we get strength.


I get strength when I bring the Lord joy. You get strength when you bring the Lord joy. So your walk with God is getting tough? Go ahead, bring the Lord some joy. *runs aisles*
Is this just me, or is that not pretty amazing?

Just thought I'd share that tidbit. Be blessed! ;)

All in God's Time

Young people get a lot of pressure. From society. From school. From friends and family. From the government. And even from the church. It surrounds us and is constantly jostling us, hoping to get our attention long enough to change us.-either for better or worse. We get pressure to be in a relationship, to follow after a certain career, to vote a particular way, to be a particular person. Sometimes these pressures have negative influence in our lives and we have to learn to combat them so that we don't succumb to every pressure that comes along.
At this particular point in my life, the pressure gets increased a little bit more. All we hear is, 'What are you going to do?', 'Where are you going to work?', 'Who are you going to be?' and so on. Its strenuous and intense. I'm trying to follow the will of God, but am I? Can I even hear His voice through the crowd of people interrogating me?
And of course, we have to factor in the pressure of the world. Pressure is continually increasing. Gay marriage, humanism, new age beliefs are all on the rise.-and that is barely scratching the surface. There are fights, riots, shootings, and other acts of violence imposed on the people that dare to take a stand. (Why would we stand up when we could be killed or persecuted for it?)
So as young people, one thing that we hear often is that it is time. It is 'time to grow up' or it is 'time to embrace change' or it is 'time to settle down and have a relationship'. We have to be careful what we let ourselves listen to and who we submit ourselves too.
I've thought a lot about this and asked myself some questions, truly wanting to know. Who am I listening to? What are they saying?-Is it something that could help me or does it have the potential to lead my soul down the wrong path? I don't want anything to hinder my relationship with God or inhibit my work for God. I don't want to open the door to a voice that leads me astray and have to live with that for the rest of my life. -And I definitely do not want to get in the way of God's timing. Its too important to me. All His way, all His time. All the time. I mean that.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Somebody Get A Wheelchair.-We're Having A Birthday!

It's belated. Oh well. I told her on her actual birthday and gave her a card (there is a story with this card) and some chocolate...That is about as good as it got because it was Friday and I was at Camp so I couldn't throw her a legitimate party. *cue the sad trombone* Anyway, our crazy and mildly insane dear, sweet Brooklyn French turned 18 on July 3rd! So next time you see her, be sure to excitedly tell her happy birthday. Even three months later. Really. Its fun. ;)

Now for the story behind the card:
I went to Walmart to get some things for camp at the last minute (and I mean, I should've been packed and almost ready to leave for Thursday's evening service...but instead I was racing around trying to get last minute things so I could pack and get ready to leave. It was legitimately last minute.) and grabbed a card and a particular chocolate that is so addicting that you will never escape from its clutches once it gets you in its grasp. Well, it was pretty loud in Walmart. I don't know if you realized it or not, but Saturday was the Fourth of July, which is traditionally celebrated in America with parties, fireworks, lots of outdoors-y activities, etc. Which means that everyone and their brothers where at Walmart. So I was picking out a card and one caught my eye...It had a pretty little picture that reminded me of Brooklyn and myself when we were younger. It had a cute little quote about how friends are always there and blah blah. I opened it and it said happy birthday from the friend that will always be here or something to that effect. I noticed that it played music but I couldn't understand what it was playing. I liked the wording on the card so I decided to just go ahead and get it...Then I got in the car and realized what the little song was...I'm not 100% for sure, but I think it was "I'll Be There" from the Jackson 5. (I looked this up. I don't listen to this nonsense. Promise.) There was a slight problem. Part of the snippet that they used was hard to understand except for one phrase. "Baby, I'll be there" So I of course, had to explain to Brooklyn what had happened so that she wouldn't be utterly creep-ed out by it. We definitely got a good laugh from it though.-But hey, the chocolate was good, right? ;)

Anyway, I honestly do count it a privilege to be considered her friend. We have been friends since we were little people and I can't say that it has been smooth sailing the whole way. From uninviting each other to our nonexistent future weddings (as small children mind you. This wasn't last week!) to a few years ago when we managed to grow apart and travel down different paths for a while, we've had some bumps in the road. Okay, some of them were more like Oklahoma pot holes, but you know. I'm glad that this past year has brought us back together where we can hang out together and get mani-pedi's (Iee haa Chinese een mie famuhlee. Mie mom name Kim.) or we can link up and fight some battles in the Holy Ghost. Life has thrown us some curve balls, but regardless of what has happened, I can say that Brooklyn has been a true friend and I'm glad to call her one.

I'm proud of you Brooklyn and I can't wait to see how all God is going to use you and your testimony for His glory! Keep your chin up! :)

(And yes, you should feel very special. This is an entire post dedicated to you. ;D)

Youth Camp 2015

Youth Camp for 2015 is officially over. It is always such a blessing and a wonderful time spent drawing closer to the Lord and to one another. This year was a bit different for me, however, as I could not attend all week. It was actually pretty horrible to not be there and to hear about all the awesome things that I was missing out on. First, you have to know that Evangelist Andrew Howard preached our evening services. He was used by God in mighty ways and brought us a word from the Lord every time that he was in the pulpit. I am so thankful for his burden and his ministry!
Anyway, due to my recent welcome to adulthood, I was only able to attend Tuesday night and Thursday night through Saturday morning. (This is not a pity post but I'm not going to lie, it was hard. I definitely felt isolated from my youth group for a while.) The time that I was at youth camp was incredible. God moved and called and anointed in such a mighty way. Young people that had recently started coming to youth got the Holy Ghost, backsliders prayed through and we all moved into a deeper relationship with Jesus. I was asked to sing for our morning rally on Friday and before we were finished with worship service God moved. Struggling young people became determined to triumph, one got very close to receiving the Holy Ghost for the first time, and others moved into a deep place of worship. God definitely blessed us with His presence once again. I'm looking forward to what God is going to do at Summer Heritage. If camp is any indication, God is going to move mightily in my youth group. I can hardly wait to see all the things that will be accomplished!

**I will be posting again later today and later this week I will announce who the guest it. I also plan to do a bit of a different post this week. Maybe Tuesday? Regardless, check back later!**

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Graduation Photos

As promised, here are some graduation photos!
Some of the seniors. 

This is so typical of us that I had to post it. We always have so much fun together!

His face cracks me up! He was all like "uhmm, what are you doing?" But he smelled really good.😆

And now for some ceremony photos! Note: I cried through the entire service. The message was SO good and SO needed. God's presence was very real and near in that service and I'm eternally thankful for that! So if my face looks red, it's because I was crying my eyes out. Lol

Th struggle for a normal photo is real folks. This is the good one!
This a candid. It's pretty hilarious because it shows our personalities.

This one was also about the best one we got. One has never seen a less photogenic group. Haha
Bro. Sewell was so anointed when he preached. I will never forget it! However, when he began, he had everyone cracking up. I was wondering if he was going to preach or host a comedy hour!
I love my pastor!!

I'm so glad that my Uncle Rick and Aunt Kathy Worthen were able to come to my graduation! They were fun to have around. And they made me homemade egg rolls which are to die for and they happen to be one of my favorite things. ;)

I may or may not post more photos. I haven't decided yet... Regardless, keep checking back to find out who is doing our guest post! :) Thanks for reading!