
Wednesday, June 13, 2012


...yeah...i need some! days aren't to bad, but EVERY SINGLE night I have something to do! This week: VBS prep, VBS, Church, Carwash prep, CARWASH!!, Grocery shopping, Father's day shopping, unpacking(FINALLY!)...NOTICE:This is WEDNESDAY!!! I still have all of this stuff to do! UUGHH!I get up in the morning, take Holly (my dog) for a walk. Then I go jogging. Then I come inside, shower, and clean my room. After that, I clean...and! I just unload the dishwasher, take out the garbage, AND then vacuum and dust if needed.-all the while I am straightening up the house. I eat lunch and then I stand in one spot in the yard and throw a tennis ball over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over!!! (that makes my dog tired and then she obeys MUCH better! She has WWWAAAYYYYY to much puppy energy!!) By that time my parents are home. then we eat supper and leave...Doesn't that sound exhilarating?!?!?! I know...anyways...just wanted to drop in for a second...or two or three. I gotta go sew some stuff for VBS no...YIPEE! lol...TOODLES! **~Lauren Nicole~**

Monday, June 4, 2012


Does anyone love snakes like they seem to love me? I found one on the day of my last post! A 'little black snake' in the closet...over 4.5 feet long! AAAHHHH!! Fun Fun...Will update with pictures soon! Thanks to all of my oh-so-devoted readers!! LOL...TOODLES ~Lauren Nicole