
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Poetic Ramblings

So, a while back in the Computer Lab at LCA, it was excruciatingly hot!! Therefore I whisked a small message off to my teacher to explain the dilemma. Well, when I was typing out the message, it came it poetic form and I HAD to share...I died laughing when I read the whole thing together...=D Here is the whole message:


Subject: Ach!


My brow is moist,
I'm  gonna perspire,
The temperature in here,
Is getting higher.
It is hot,
I'm feeling faint.
Can we turn it down?
We're melting the paint!
I'm feeling ill and getting sick.
The air in here is getting thick.
I feel like I'm,
Frying my brain.
What has this heat,
For us to gain?
74 is nice outside,
But in here it seems,
A bit too high.
May we I pray thee,
Open the door?
Or turn the air on,
If we'd like to be poor.
Whichever one,
I think we must,
Save ourselves,
Before we turn to dust.

P.S. It is stuffy in here...=D

Thanks! ~Lauren Bundy

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anyway, I thought it was funny and I hope you did to...=D

I am going to be posting a poem on here that I wrote for my pastor as a Bible project for school (We had to post a pic of someone's hands (with godly influence in our live)