
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Getting Older...

Once again I am getting older... This time, however, it makes me happy. I know that may sound weird but I look forward to this day every year. Why you ask? Well, today is my Holy-Ghost Birthday! I turned nine this year. Ever since I got the Holy-Ghost I have desired the day that I am one of the older prayer warriors sitting towards the back of the church celebrating 70-80 years of having the Holy-Ghost and serving God faithfully. Don't get me wrong! I am not wishing my time as a young person away or trying to just rush through my life. I have already realized that it will be gone before I know it. But seriously, if you truly live for God for 70-80 years, by that time, you ought to have a wonderful relationship with Him!! And I understand that everyone has their ups and downs. I just want to have that for myself. To know that I had served God faithfully for all those years and that we know each other...Something about that stirs a yearning in my heart. Maybe I am weird, but at least I enjoy myself... Anyways, I am thankful for serving my Jesus for 9 years now!
Much love my neglected blog friends! :)
~Lauren Nicole

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Poetic Ramblings

So, a while back in the Computer Lab at LCA, it was excruciatingly hot!! Therefore I whisked a small message off to my teacher to explain the dilemma. Well, when I was typing out the message, it came it poetic form and I HAD to share...I died laughing when I read the whole thing together...=D Here is the whole message:


Subject: Ach!


My brow is moist,
I'm  gonna perspire,
The temperature in here,
Is getting higher.
It is hot,
I'm feeling faint.
Can we turn it down?
We're melting the paint!
I'm feeling ill and getting sick.
The air in here is getting thick.
I feel like I'm,
Frying my brain.
What has this heat,
For us to gain?
74 is nice outside,
But in here it seems,
A bit too high.
May we I pray thee,
Open the door?
Or turn the air on,
If we'd like to be poor.
Whichever one,
I think we must,
Save ourselves,
Before we turn to dust.

P.S. It is stuffy in here...=D

Thanks! ~Lauren Bundy

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anyway, I thought it was funny and I hope you did to...=D

I am going to be posting a poem on here that I wrote for my pastor as a Bible project for school (We had to post a pic of someone's hands (with godly influence in our live)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

National Singles Discrimination Day

Happy national singles discrimination day!! I hope you all have enjoyed yourselves!...anyways here are some of my latest happenings:

1) we went on a cruise to Mexico for Christmas!!!..on the carnival Triumph! If that doesn't ring a bell then I will ring the bell...the Carnival Triumph is the EXACT ship that just caught on fire and was stuck bobbing in the gulf for several days...that they are currently towing to Alabama...there is sewage backup everywhere and people have to sleep in the hallways because they can't get into their rooms (no electricity where the rooms are located)...I'm praying for Ringo (my head waiter that is from the philippines and he can sing like nobody's business!!), DeeWee ( another one of my waiters), and Dennis the bread man. These are extremely sweet people that are on that ship right now!

2) My brother turned 18 on the 2nd of February! He is so ancient! lol

3) *crazy story*...
So my dog started barking about an hour ago and we thought it might have been a deer so my mom got up and went to the window (she was sitting on the couch...) and all of the sudden she started screaming at us "it's a cow, it's a cow!!!" My dad was like, " a cow?" And so I jumped up and ran to the window and yes! There was a GINORMOUS cow standing right in our back yard! My dog chased it everywhere (she is a blue heeler so it was totally instinct for her) and then I had to lock her up so that the cow wouldn't get anxious...I stayed out there with it to make sure that it didn't get into anything and decided to call it Molly. Finally it started walking down our driveway and so I followed it to make sure it wouldn't go out to the road because the turnpike is not very far from my house (even though it isn't accessible from where we live) and so it went to out front gate and stood there and watched me. I just kept of walking toward it, slowly but confidently because I know that they can sense your attitude ( oh yeah and I was whistling;). It smelled around and started mooing. I said "go home Molly." And she crossed the road(she even looked both ways!) and went home and stood there outside the gate and started grazing. I walked back to my house and told my dad what had happened and that is the end of my crazy story. ;)

So, happy national singles discrimination day from the Bundy's and the Molly the cow.