
Monday, February 3, 2014

Snow Days, Birthdays, and TCC Life

 It snowed here yesterday. I know it doesn't sound like I am saying it with much excitement. That is because I am not. I like snow around Christmas time and then I am done. I do not like being cold. At all. So I wish Spring would come quickly and then I will be happy. Very happy. Now I am done complaining about the weather. :)

Yesterday was my brother, Trenton's, 19th birthday! WOOT WOOT! (He is getting so old!) So yesterday was a bitter sweet day for me because of this. He will only be in the youth group for one more year. He will be moving on soon. Finding some godly young lady that takes his breath away, and moving out. Then there will be a wedding and by the time he is 25 he will have 3 children, four dogs, 2 goldfish, and a parakeet. Okay, okay not really but it is hard to see my big brother grow up and start becoming more and more independent. (I sound like an old lady! haha) Anyway, Happy Birthday to my favorite big brother in the whole world! :) ( maybe he is my only big brother but that is beside the point) I hope your birthday was swell! :)

Today is my mom's birthday! Another round of WOOT WOOT!s to go please. She is the ripe old age of *insert threatening mom voices and scared daughter voices here*.  She has to work today (no snow day for her) which is a bummer but I think her patients will help her to have a good birthday while she is working. (She seriously has the sweetest patients ever! They always bring her goodies and are so nice!) For her birthday we got her a Keurig...those things are amazing! I think I use it just as much as she does! Anyway, Hopping Bird Eggs to my madre! :) I love you!

Another of today's happenings:
I have no school (because of the snow) and so I am spending the morning at TCC with the Brobro. He offered to bring me so I can get to know the campus a little bit (since I will be coming next year) and so that I won't be cooped up at home all day long. Isn't he the nicest big brother ever?! Yeah I though so too! :) So this is me, sitting in the 'Fireplace Lounge' at TCC, blogging. While the guy sitting a little ways away jams out to music blaring out of his blue headphones and types away while slurping Dr. Pepper and munching pretzels. Earlier he was complaining about not having anything to eat for breakfast so he HAD to go get this wonderful snack (brain food lemme tell ya!) And then there is a random dude strolling up and down the hallway and every time he goes past he tries to stare me down. And every time I just smile at him like he is a long lost friend...I think it is confusing him (he honestly doesn't seem like the brightest light on the planet) because he starts squinting and then he kind of shrugs and plods on... I know. I am such a terrible person. It's fun though. :)
OH! And now there is a new guy here...he is drinking a Snapple and apparently he didn't get breakfast either because he is chomping on his finger nails. *gag* Okay.
No more narrating for me. This guy is cracking me up and I can't randomly start laughing and make everyone look at me.
This is me tugging on a straight face.
Anyway, I hope everyone's day is supermashtastic and your year is filled with happy healthy smiles! Peace out.