
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Important Changes & Exciting News!

As you've probably noticed, I've been making quite a few changes around here. It is still a work in progress but it is getting better.-hopefully you agree!
One of the biggest changed that transpired, was not the background, or the layout (hallelujah, its been delivered!) or even the change of the number of blog posts.-which *gasp* happens to be going up and will hopefully continue to!-the biggest change to take note of, is the change of the URL address! The problem was, when I originally created this blog 5 years ago, I couldn't seem to find a URL that had not been taken. This is a very common issue that I have because I happen to have a very popular name.-which means that I have to get creative. So for the first 5 years of my blog, the URL was: *and I quote* "" which is way more trouble than it is worth! I grew incredibly tired of it, typing it in was a chore, and I'm sure you all felt the same way. Now, my URL is which only has one '-' folks!

Anyway, that is the most effective change that has taken place so far, so for those of you that knew it by that, its time for an update! :)

My picture post is almost done and then I'll have it posted (hopefully by tomorrow evening). And in other news, we have special guest coming on the blog immediately following Summer Heritage (Who is excited?! I'm getting heart palpitations ya'll!). Keep checking back to find out who the guest is and to see those photos!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Post-High School Stress Disorder

This should be a real thing people. If you haven't graduated high school yet, don't believe the lie. Life after high school is not a bed of roses. Just saying.

Actually, it hasn't been too bad. I'm definitely blessed! Shortly after graduating high school (like the week after), I started looking for a job. And when I say started, I mean barely started. I didn't have a resume prepared and I was pretty much just looking to see who all was hiring. I'm sure it doesn't even fit into the 'job searching' category.
Then one day I was chilling at my house when my mom received a text from a friend who is also a job recruiter that attends our church. She informed us that there was a position open and gave us minimal details. I had no clue what I was getting into but I told her that I was interested. She set up an interview and I went in and interviewed with the HR director. Then they decided that I needed to interview with the HR executive as well. So I did. Not a terribly long story, short, I got the job. I am nearly done with my third week of working for Sulzer Chemtech as their receptionist. It's been going well and pretty much everyone here has been very helpful and kind.(-I say pretty much everyone because I haven't even really met everyone yet)

Another thing that happened to me recently was something so very a bad way. I was in a bit of a car accident. It was more of a fender bender really (and it was not my fault!), but I damaged my neck pretty bad. I've started going to the chiropractor and he has helped me so much! (I can move now!) I found out yesterday that I tore some ligaments, have subluxation of the spine, and my neck vertebrae curve the wrong way. As long as I stay on top of it, I'll be fine, but its kind of crazy! A simple little collision caused all of this nonsense. Moral of the story: pay attention when you back up.

In other news, Summer Heritage is right around the corner and I am so excited! I can't wait to see everyone, but I really can't wait to see what God is going to do.-I have a feeling that it is going to be even better than last year. If you heard what happened in our youth group last year, you know what I'm talking about. Boy howdy, it was amazing! Isn't God good to us?

Graduation photos are coming as soon as I can upload them! I'll be posting banquet and ceremony pictures.
Thanks for reading!